Downtown Fountain Display


About the Project

Growing up in Dover, I’d always dreamed of having a business in my home town. In 2018, when a “for rent” sign went up next to the local Dunkin Donuts, that came true. After reaching out to the property owner, Craig Rafter of Calumet Corp, we struck up a deal: free rent in exchange for a water feature to enhance his property.

  • What resulted was an over-the-top display fountain that consists of 5 urns, 6 spillway bowls, and several waterfalls that tie the different elements of the feature together. Visible across several sightlines in town, we designed the fountain to catch people’s attention from a distance. However, the best way to enjoy it is always to grab a coffee, a donut and sit next to it for a while in one of our comfy lounge chairs.


“FallingWater Scapes single-handedly transformed an area of no consequence into a completely unique and fascinating attraction–not only for my tenants and their customers, but for the entire town of Dover. Just to sit and experience it creates an instant break in the day. If you have a lackluster space that needs attention, a water feature is a great investment.”

— Craig Rafter, Owner of Calumet Corp

Before & After

Elise Barnes

Hello there! My name's Elise and I’m a Freelance Website Designer & Developer based in New Jersey, right outside of NYC. I specialize in building stunning, modern, and mobile-responsive Squarespace websites for all types of brands and businesses.

Mountain Top Pond


Sanctuary in the City