About the Project

Our client Mike reached out to us in 2021 about rebuilding his dilapidated pond in the backyard. Having worked for Mike three years prior (when we had built him a front yard fountain), I knew this was going to be a great project. Between the trust and artistic freedom we had earned previously – and the fact that Mike loves birds and nature – going all in with a backyard makeover had storybook-ending written all over it. We started by ripping out the old pond, which like many water features out there, was built by someone who hadn’t paid much attention to the rules surrounding successful water feature design.

  • Along with the demo, we also threw away the concept of a pond and instead opted for a 25-foot-long pondless waterfall (otherwise known as a recirculating stream with an underground reservoir). This design change fit in significantly better with the site’s steep topography while being even lower maintenance than a properly built pond. While working on such a sharp incline had its challenges (like having to create a dedicated switch-back road for the machine to bring in boulders), it also led to some exciting creative opportunities. For example, the stepping-crossing at the headwaters that gradually lead up the hill – which looks like a waterfall crossing you’d see hiking the White Mountains.


“It makes the whole garden area come alive, whatever the season. Open a window a little and it's quietly audible throughout the house. I can drift off to sleep listening to it. After a long day, a couple of minutes contemplating it restores my equanimity. It is a source of serenity for me in this sometimes crazy world.”

— Mike, FallingWaterScapes Client  

Before & After

Elise Barnes

Hello there! My name's Elise and I’m a Freelance Website Designer & Developer based in New Jersey, right outside of NYC. I specialize in building stunning, modern, and mobile-responsive Squarespace websites for all types of brands and businesses.

Maine Staycation Pond


The Cozy Koi Pond