Evening Serenity


About the Project

Joel’s water feature didn’t always look like this. When we first met him in 2018, it was through a landscaping company that had built a small waterfall in his yard earlier that year. Unfortunately, the feature had leaks immediately after its inception, so this company called us in. While we patched together a solution that worked for 18 months, the feature ultimately lacked the foundation necessary to keep it operational for the long-term.

  • As a result, we completely rebuilt it in 2020. To this company’s credit, they paid for a majority of the build – with Joel kicking in extra to include the spillway bowls we’d suggested to improve the aesthetic. While everything turned out great in the end, this type of story is not the norm.

    Most landscaping companies that don’t specialize in water features (but decide to take on the one-off project here and there) will inevitably screw up. If they’re committed to becoming water feature installers, they’ll find and fix their mistake. But most companies aren’t geared that way – and will end up avoiding the customer they’ve failed since they can’t offer a viable solution.

    When considering a water feature, it’s always best to hire a specialist – or at least ask the company you’re considering how many features they build a year (that number should ideally be in the double digits). For more helpful tips, you can read this article we put together a few years ago.


Check Out This
Project On YouTube


“It’s really relaxing and beautiful to see. My wife in particular loves the sound of the water flowing and it’s very peaceful for all of us. My son will sit out on the deck in the morning with a coffee and just listen to it.”

— Joel Kadis, Newton MA

Elise Barnes

Hello there! My name's Elise and I’m a Freelance Website Designer & Developer based in New Jersey, right outside of NYC. I specialize in building stunning, modern, and mobile-responsive Squarespace websites for all types of brands and businesses.


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Commemorative Fountains for NuPath, Inc.